Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lemon bar with chocolate gelato

Modified version of Giada's “lemon thyme bars.”  Changes: I omitted thyme, and substituted the powdered sugar with regular sugar.  Omission of thyme, good idea; substitution of regular sugar for powdered sugar, not the best idea I have ever had, but I didn’t want to buy powdered sugar hahaha…remember this is food in a jiffy…and that would have required going to the store.  Still tasty, but if I were to make these again, I would definitely go with the powdered sugar.  The gelato you ask?  No, I did not make this—store bought.

1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 stick butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix butter, sugar, and 1/2 of lemon for juice, lemon zest if you like, add in dry ingredients.  Butter a square glass dish.  Take mixture and spread on the bottom of the dish.  Preheat oven 325 degrees, bake for 30 minutes. 

The lemon glaze:
1/2 of lemon for juice, 1/2 powdered sugar (I used regular sugar even for this), mix.  Cool the bars, and top the glaze over bars in the dish.  Let set, and serve. 

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